ModMoon Guide

By: GlaZed_Belmont

Hi, in this tutorial, you will be shown how to get a mod working with ModMoon. I'll be using a mod called "Tr4sh 3ds" which is a Super Smash Bros for 3DS mod as an example.

What you'll need:

Section I: Installing ModMoon

  1. Download & install ModMoon by installing its .cia or scanning the QR code below with FBI.

  1. Launch ModMoon once, do its tutorial and close it afterwards

  1. Check if the integrity of the folders are correct, what I mean by that is that the ModMoon path is correct.

<--- That's the path for the US version

<--- That's the path for the EU version

If it's all good, continue to the next step, if not, create the path yourself.

Section II: Installing the mod

  1. Download the mod of your choice (As an example: Tr4sh 3ds).

  2. Extract it to the path that we checked earlier

  1. Rename the "smash" folder to "Slot_x" (x is a number that currently isn't being used, if that's you first time setting up ModMoon, Slot_1 would be the folder's new name)

Please keep in mind that this guide is currently work in progress and will be finished soon :D